Size: 2,700sqm
Budget: $150,000,000
Scope: Concept, Development Application, Detail Documentation, Construction
Ivy has been recognised with the following awards:
2009 AIA National Harry Seidler Award for Commercial Architecture
2009 AIA National Award for Urban Design
2009 AIA NSW Lloyd Rees Award for Outstanding Urban Design
2009 AIA NSW Award for Commercial Architecture
‘The Ivy is … a world unto itself. It is a world of perpetual holiday, perpetual summer and the quirky glamour of The Party.’
- Australian Design Review
‘The sense of an oasis within the concrete desert of this part of central Sydney.’
- 2009 AIA National Awards Jury citation
“Part Roman baths, part smart restaurants, part urbane gathering place, [Ivy] has been fused into the city’s fabric in a presentable and ingenious way.”
“Ivy forms a natural mecca for those of youthful image and lively aspirations, and its consciously random bars, retreats and cabanas placed around spacious courtyards provide the sense of an oasis within the concrete desert of this part of central Sydney.”