living multi°
living multi°
Size: 12,300m2
Budget: $292,000,000
Scope: Design Competition, Concept Design, Development Application, Detail Documentation, Construction
Buildings band around a 4,000sqm courtyard that offers a tapestry of green spaces with diverse neighbourhood amenity
BVN has developed a design solution that will create a strong residential community on the site and will form an important component of the new urban realm within the Sydney Olympic Park Masterplan.
The proposal utilises the requirement for a view corridor in the SOPA Masterplan to create a major garden through the site. The four buildings are positioned around this garden, two define its western edge and the other two are located perpendicular to it, to create a generously scaled landscape that opens out to the north and maximises the views of the existing fig trees on the north east. The garden forms the main entrance to the site as well as providing a wonderful amenity for the residents in both use and outlook. The scheme offers a high quality design solution that will create a strong residential community on the site itself and will form an important component of the new urban realm within the Sydney Olympic Park Masterplan.